Who do we serve with?

Africa Inland Mission (AIM) has been a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples for over 120 years! We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women who, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. We have sending offices in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Hong Kong, S Korea, Australia and Brazil. Lew and I are Southern Baptists who have been serving with AIM since 2016.


How are we financially supported in our ministry?

We are supported through churches and individuals. People pray about how the Lord wants them to be involved. Some people give monthly so we can make our monthly budget needs for salary, taxes, insurance, visas, plane tickets, housing overseas, travel, and ministry needs. Some people give one time gifts from time to time as they are led. Some people give towards special projects like home assignment time and our vehicle project. Most people don’t realize that if we don’t continue to have monthly support while on our furlough, it effects our next term and budget overseas as well as our ability to have a paycheck to provide for our family needs.


How can people be a part of our ministry in Kenya?

The most important way is through prayer. I don’t say that flippantly. We need people who are committed to pray for us on a daily and weekly basis. Obviously, we can’t go without financial support, so that is a tangible way to be involved and very important. It is also tax deductible! Another way, is by coming over to visit us! Even if you have never even left America before, that does not mean that you could not come and walk our roads, share meals in our home, prayer walk our ministry areas and be an encouragement to our family and others and share your testimony with people God puts in your path along the way. Come laugh with us. Come cry with us. Come see what God is doing in areas beyond your comfort zone! Start praying and saving now to come to Kenya!


What do we have a heart and passion for as missionaries?

Lew has a heart to train and disciple pastors. He enjoys walking along side them in their place of ministry and directing them to God’s word as they seek to lead their congregations. He loves to evangelize and disciple through Bible Storying. I have a heart for women with young families and helping them apply God’s word in their life as a believer, wife and mother. I also have a heart to train and encourage new missionaries. I get excited to share Jesus name and message with strangers in daily routine contexts. Both Lew and I enjoy analyzing mission strategy and cultural context versus Biblical context.


Have we had education regarding missions and theology?

Yes, we actually met in seminary as we were both pursuing theological education. I have a Master of Arts in Missiology (study of missions) and a Master of Arts in Christian Education. Lew has a Master of Arts in Missiology and is preparing to finish his Doctorate of Missiology in 2019. We have worked hard to understand what it takes to understand a culture and how best to introduce the Gospel to unreached people groups as well as disciple believers cross culturally.


What do we do for our children’s education?

I have been homeschooling Elisabeth since 2nd grade and Abigail since 1st grade. Elisabeth attended French school for 2 years when she first began school. We find that homeschooling the children gives them a sense of normalcy and structure no matter where we live and travel. The culture, language, home and country may change but their books don’t. I have to take 3 years of curriculum for 3 children for our next term! Therefore, I have to have it planned out and purchased before we leave! It is overwhelming for sure! Our internet situations have varied so we take mostly books and workbooks in our luggage and do a history course online when we can. As my girls get older, we will transition to some more computer oriented programs to keep them current but with electricity being a variable, we need to always have book options.


Do we have to learn the language of the country we serve in?

Lew and I think one of the most valuable open doors we can utilize is to speak the heart language of the people we are sharing the Gospel with. In Uganda, we used tutors to learn Rutooro. In France, we went to 15 months of language school to learn French. In Madagascar, we used our French and also learned Diego dialect of Malagasy via tutors and class time. Lew does very well with languages. I am much slower and need more of a school environment. We will study Swahili for the first 4 to 6 months of our term in Kenya.


How long have we been missionaries?

We have served as missionaries since 2006. We served in Uganda among the Batooro, France among North African immigrants, and in Madagascar among the Sakalava and Antakarana. We will be moving to Nairobi, Kenya in June of 2019.


How long is our term overseas?

Each term is different and varies depending on the family needs and the assignment and the support levels. We plan to leave in June for a two and a half to three year term.


Do we like living overseas? 

That is a very complicated question with a simple answer: Yes we do. It is a hard life, frustrating, mentally physically and spiritually exhausting. But it is the life the Lord called us to. It is the life we said yes to. It is the life He has equipped us for. When the Lord said Who will go for us, Whom shall we send? We said Here we are Lord, send us! We will go where He sends us. 


What do we do when we are on furlough/home assignment?

We need decompression time and spiritual renewal at the top of the list. We need to spend time with our family and let them get to know our kids again. We need to reconnect with our supporting churches and individuals. Lew and I have Always felt it necessary to report to the churches as Paul did after his missionary journeys. Even when we were not required to, we filled our Sundays and Wednesdays with speaking engagements. Now that we raise our own support, we continue to report to the churches and try to travel to see those who support us throughout the South and Midwest. It is exhausting but a privilege. We also try to connect with new churches/groups to educate on missions. I continue to homeschool through all of that.


How can we be scheduled to come and talk about our ministry?

I set our schedule for our furlough. Just contact me via facebook, email or phone. We speak at churches in Several states so just contact me and I can see when we will be in your area. We are also going to a few new places this furlough. I am available to speak at conferences, set up tables at missions conferences, speak in Sunday school classes, small groups and special events. Lew does all of that as well as preach on Sundays and Wednesdays at churches.


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