Using Uber to get around town is convenient. No need to worry about parking. I don’t have to fight the traffic but can relax and talk to the driver. These conversations can consist of inconsequential matters or I can practice my Swahili if the driver is willing.  However, I really like to be able to have a spiritual conversation. This does not happen every ride. Yet, when it does happen, I am always amazed at what I learn and what topics come up.

Geoffrey picked me up one morning as I was on my way to a meeting. I discovered he does not live far from us. He goes to the Anglican church a quarter mile from my house. He has five grown children and many grandchildren.

We practiced Swahili. He corrected my phrases and grammar, and he was really a great guy to be riding with. Then he found out I taught the bible and that I am a missionary.

Geoffrey said he had a question for me. A question about the bible. He asked, “if you are teaching the bible to many people, what is the verse you will give them to read that will explain the bible.”

We were speaking in Swahili at the time and I asked him to repeat the question because I was not sure I understood the question. He switched to English and asked again. I repeated it and asked him, “you mean is there one verse that a person should read that I think is most important?”

“No.” he replied. He explained that he wanted to know what one verse would unlock the meaning of the bible to him. Which verse did I know which I could share with him and it would open the entire bible so that he could understand it?  

I was a bit shocked by the question and knew I only had a few minutes to my destination to share with him. I asked a couple of questions, kind of buying time to formulate an answer. It is times like this that my inner, silent, prayer life explodes.

Geoffrey gifted me insight into Kenyan church life with his question and follow-up answers to my questions. He explained that most Kenyans read the bible like a novel. They know the missionaries brought it as the word of God, but they don’t know how to understand it he said. So, they read it and then assume it is a mystery they cannot understand so they are not sure if it is fiction or non-fiction.

Wow. How do you respond to this in 3 minutes or less?

I shared with Geoffrey that there is not one “silver bullet” passage that explains all scripture. The best thing is to daily read or listen to the Word of God and then think on it and apply it. We must Know God’s word and Love it. As we know it and love it, we will know God and love him, and then should Live obediently to his word.

As my ride with Geoffrey came to a close, we were actually held up by security at the place I was going. So, we had to sit in the car while we waited for them to clear us to pass onto the University property where I was meeting some other missionaries. It was a gift as our conversation was extended for a few extra minutes and we could talk more about what it means to study God’s word.

Finally, I shared with Geoffrey my desire to start a bible study in our village. The aim being exactly what he asked, to teach the bible and how each person can personally know God and know and understand the bible. He said it was a good idea and that a bible study like this was needed. When I asked him if he would be interested in attending such a bible study if it were to begin, without hesitation he said he would.

Slowly, I am learning of the needs here in our area outside of Nairobi. Slowly, God is allowing me to encounter men here who want to know more about him. God is also putting men in my path who need to know Him as lord and savior.

The harvest is plentiful indeed. However, I must enter the field and work. A harvest is not brought in by watchers but by workers.

Pray for your harvest field where you are. Then enter it and work, don’t simply watch and then talk about the harvest. Gather it. Labor in the harvest.

Are you being a watcher or a worker in your field?


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