Despite the Corona Virus altering lives and changing plans, making disciples has marched forward. Has discipleship looked different during the last few months? Definitely. But, discipleship has not stopped. The mission of making disciples has adapted as has other areas of our lives here in Kenya.

As a result of Corona Virus many of my plans have been changed or by canceled. Certainly, you can relate. Who has not been impacted?

What has amazed me is not as much that ministry continues, but how it has adapted. We have restrictions on the sizes of groups that are able to meet together and what medical protocols are required. (not that everyone is following them, but they do exist) In spite of everything, the church has not stopped being the church, it simply adjusted to the new situation.

Worship Continues

Worship of God did not stop because of a pandemic. It did adapt. The small group of men I disciple meet and sing songs and study the scripture weekly. My family and I have met in our living room. Our neighbors met together with us for several weeks. Worship continued in a different format, but it is still worship. We are still the church.

I have grown and had to adapt in ways which I did not like at first, but now I am more comfortable in. The question I had to ask myself is:

How do I make disciples during a pandemic?  

1. Meet in small(er) groups

This was mandated in Kenya by government order. Churches, mosques, temples and all places of worship were shut down. Fortunately for the church, it is the people and they can continue to gather in small groups. The allowable size changed a few times, but still we could meet in homes or offices or other places.

2. Start a new group

A group of young men has met together during corona virus nearly every week. This group started during the partial lockdown in Kenya. These men could not leave the Nairobi area and return to their families upcountry. I asked them if they would like to meet weekly for discipleship. Immediately they started making plans.

Our group has followed all the government protocols on group size, face masks, hand sanitizer, physical distancing and such. It was worked. No one from our small group has gotten sick and we have not had any problems meeting together.

We are not a large group, only 4 of us, sometimes 5. However, when the body meets together as the church, no matter the size, we are encouraged in life. These young men, and now a fiancé of one them, are all planning to leave Kenya and go out as cross-cultural workers. It has been a great encouragement to me each week. Even throughout the week I receive texts or calls of encouragement.

3. Embrace technology

During the virus I have also had many Zoom calls. They are good. In fact, I have taken some training courses in coaching over Zoom. This is not something I would have personally done before Corona Virus. In fact, it is not my preference now. However, it is a useful tool and I will continue using it.

Every 2 weeks Brandi joins a Zoom call of ladies working around Southern Africa to listen, share and pray together. She is able to be encouraged as well as encourage others through technology. This too is a ministry shift which has been a blessing to many.

Ministry may look different during these days of Corona Virus. That is fine. The church has adapted for a few thousand years. It will continue to adapt as it marches forward in its mission. Making disciples can utilize technology like Zoom or Teams while also not abandoning the meeting together physically. No matter what, worship of the One True King, Jesus, does not stop during a pandemic. It simply looks different than what we had before.  

What changes have you made, or do you need to make during Corona Virus to continue making disciples of all nations in your unique setting?

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