Story Time with Luke

Anyone who teaches or works with children knows that you must be on your toes when they have questions to ask. Children ask some of the best questions, but also some of the most challenging ones. My son, Luke, is no different. Story time with Luke can be fun, frustrating and sometimes terrifying. We have told him bedtime Bible stories for a long time or read from a Children’s Bible. He never really seemed like he was paying attention though. Until recently. The last couple of months he has really started to listen to the Bible stories. However, the last few weeks after either Brandi or I finish reading the story he says, “I have a couple of questions.” These are no cupcake questions either. Luke has decided that the tougher the question the better it is to ask. A few examples are: Why did Jesus send those people away to a place of darkness (hell)? Why did the rich man go away sad? Did he not like Jesus? Why did the...
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Pay Attention To Your Ministry

Near the end of his letter to the Colossians, Paul writes, “And tell Archippus, ‘Pay attention to the ministry you have received in the Lord, so that you can accomplish it.’” (4:17) Don’t get distracted in ministry. Distractions are everywhere, for everyone, whether in ministry or not. For Jesus followers, this point Paul is making is vital. Satan wants us distracted from the mission of making disciples. Distractions are everywhere: at church, home, school, work, in the car, just everywhere. We must focus. Don’t wander from the mission of disciple making. Don’t deviate and don’t get consumed with other tasks. Focus in order to accomplish what God has called you to do, mainly making disciples. Contexts may look different, but the mission is the same. I love strategy planning and thinking. Yet, if I am not careful, planning a strategy can get me sidetracked from the mission: making disciples. Wherever I go my ministry is making disciples. This includes sharing the gospel as I go about my day.  My ministry also...
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Overcoming the Fear of Speaking

Public speaking may be the most terrifying experience many people face. I have heard it said that public speaking is the number one fear people have. From my experience this is true, especially when it comes to my kids. They do not like to be in front of crowds to speak, to be looked at, or to do anything. Abbie reading in Swahili for our language class. This week Abigail had an opportunity to face her fear head on. At our language school every teacher and student can lead a devotion periodically. Friday was Abigail’s day. She did not want to do it. She was terrified. She hates it when people look at her, or when she is called on to answer a question. Yet, she faced her fear, and overcame it. She did not give a devotion, but she did read several verses from the bible in front of our class. In Swahili. Yes, in Swahili. That is facing a fear. She worked hard and practiced reading the verses several times...
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Never Stop Learning and Growing

Attempting something difficult or beyond your current ability can be difficult as well as scary. Challenging ourselves is a good thing, whether it is physically, spiritually or mentally. Learning and growing are lifelong endeavors which none of us should outgrow. The kids and I were hiking near Tigoni, Kenya one Saturday. I knew there was a waterfall nearby because I had been there the week before. It was tiring, but to reach our goal we had to walk the narrow path and up the hills. The challenge was worth it once we reach our destination. Currently our family is in the midst of learning Swahili. No language is easy to learn no matter how “easy” people say a certain language is for beginners. Swahili is no different. Everyday all five of us head out to the language school for our daily dose of verbs, phrases, grammar, listening, speaking, and laughing. If you can’t laugh at yourself and your mistakes, language learning may not...
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Frequently Asked Questions as AIM missionaries:

Who do we serve with? Africa Inland Mission (AIM) has been a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples for over 120 years! We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women who, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. We have sending offices in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Hong Kong, S Korea, Australia and Brazil. Lew and I are Southern Baptists who have been serving with AIM since 2016.   How are we financially supported in our ministry? We are supported through churches and individuals. People pray about how the Lord wants them to be involved. Some people give monthly so we can make our monthly budget needs for salary, taxes, insurance, visas, plane tickets, housing overseas, travel, and ministry needs. Some people give one time gifts from time to time as they are led. Some people give towards special projects like home assignment time and our vehicle project. Most people don't...
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