Relationships often are limited by how we see another person. Followers of Jesus too often overlook people in our life because of how we see them now. People have a role in their life, a place, but often we are limited by the current state of the role. How often do we look at the potential in a person and not simply see who is standing before us?

My friend Job is a good example of this. He was once my language teacher. However, it is possible that he will one day be a missionary. He is eager to learn the bible. His faith is solid. His church has trained him well, with investment from many others.

What would I have missed If I had simply seen him as a language teacher? Make no mistake, he is an excellent Swahili teacher, but he is much more. There would have been a missed friendship. I may not have heard about the calling he sensed to reach out and share the gospel.

This week I had lunch with him. Job told me of his ministry experience during the Corona virus lockdown. The frustrations it has caused to his community not only economically, but spiritually. I had known of his desire to serve and reach out, but today he shared his heart. His passion.

Thankfully, many months ago I asked him what he would like to do if he were to stop teaching Swahili. This led to my current relationship with him.

He senses a calling to reach youth using sports. So, he began a sports ministry in his community with some other believers. He took action on his calling which has now led him to ask if he needs more training in disciple making or theology.

As I reflect on my relationship with Job, I am reminded of some things I was taught years ago.

  • Train Everyone (not only who I think will one day be successful in ministry)

Don’t limit vision to only what is right in front of me, what I can currently see, but search for who and what others can become.

It is true, not everyone will become a sent out worker to another culture or a radical disciple maker. Regardless, train everyone. Not everyone will be obedient to God’s word. Everyone does live in a community and every community needs more followers of Jesus living out their faith. Some people will be used greatly by God. We cannot know who that is, so train everyone.

  • Invest more time in those who are being obedient in discipleship

Train everyone, then invest more time in people who are being obedient. If someone is willing to learn and apply the teaching, invest more into them. Just as Job is doing the work, I am willing to spend more time and energy with him to help him be successful.

I would not have guessed that my Swahili language teacher would want to be trained in ministry. However, he desires it. He has shown it by his actions. Who have I missed training and discipling because I could only see them in their current state? Because I did not see the, or look for the potential in their life? Too many I am afraid.

I do not to miss more opportunities. I need to train and disciple everyone God puts in my life. One day their true Kingdom potential may be revealed.

Who do you have in your life presently that you could begin discipling and training in the gospel?

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