Attempting something difficult or beyond your current ability can be difficult as well as scary. Challenging ourselves is a good thing, whether it is physically, spiritually or mentally. Learning and growing are lifelong endeavors which none of us should outgrow.

The kids and I were hiking near Tigoni, Kenya one Saturday. I knew there was a waterfall nearby because I had been there the week before. It was tiring, but to reach our goal we had to walk the narrow path and up the hills. The challenge was worth it once we reach our destination.

Currently our family is in the midst of learning Swahili. No language is easy to learn no matter how “easy” people say a certain language is for beginners. Swahili is no different.

Everyday all five of us head out to the language school for our daily dose of verbs, phrases, grammar, listening, speaking, and laughing. If you can’t laugh at yourself and your mistakes, language learning may not be for you. We all make mistakes, and normally they are funny, at least for others.

The last month has reminded me of several things:

  1. Don’t be afraid to try something new, no matter how difficult. Language learning is hard, but it is rewarding.
  2. Celebrate the small victories. After our first week of class, we went and had ice cream and cookies to celebrate. One week was a small step, but it was the first step. Learning to ask the price of something or simply getting the greetings right is cause enough to celebrate.
  3. Laughter is good medicine. When fatigue sets in and our brains are tired, it is good to play a game together, or take a walk. It is also fun to laugh with each other about mistakes we have made in saying what would be simple phrases in English.
  4. Remember why you are attempting to achieve the goal. Our desire is to be able to share the gospel with our neighbors, taxi drivers, people we meet in town or at the market, and simply be able to participate in life here in Kenya on a deeper level.

When God calls us to a task, it is rarely easy. It is through the process of obedience that we are refined and made into Christ’s image. It is through the challenges that endurance is learned and applied. The end goal is to be like Christ and to be holy and pleasing to God. The journey is worth it, even if we must humble ourselves and learn new skills in order to fulfill God’s calling for us to make disciples of all nations.

Is God leading you to do something which may take you our of your comfort zone, stretch you and challenge you in order to advance His kingdom? Don’t run from it, but embrace the challenge. Embrace the Father and obey Him.  

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