Public speaking may be the most terrifying experience many people face. I have heard it said that public speaking is the number one fear people have. From my experience this is true, especially when it comes to my kids. They do not like to be in front of crowds to speak, to be looked at, or to do anything.

Abbie reading in Swahili for our language class.

This week Abigail had an opportunity to face her fear head on. At our language school every teacher and student can lead a devotion periodically. Friday was Abigail’s day. She did not want to do it. She was terrified. She hates it when people look at her, or when she is called on to answer a question.

Yet, she faced her fear, and overcame it. She did not give a devotion, but she did read several verses from the bible in front of our class. In Swahili. Yes, in Swahili. That is facing a fear.

She worked hard and practiced reading the verses several times at home. On Friday morning she stepped up and read it like a pro. Brandi and I were really proud of her. She was still scared to stand in front of people, but she did it. She did not let fear paralyze her. That is a great life accomplishment.

When I was a sophomore in college, I took a public speaking class. I did not want to, but it was required. To say I dreaded the first day of class would be an understatement. My life plan had nothing to do with public speaking, so why in the world did I need this class? Funny how things don’t always turn out like I plan.

An interesting thing happened during that semester. Our professor (I do not recall his name, but I can see his face clearly), made us take baby steps. We first had to write a short speech. Then we had to read it to one person in our class. They gave us feedback and we made corrections to our speeches. Then, we began to tell stories to groups of 3 to 4 people. More feedback. More corrections to posture, tone, gestures, and more.

Finally, we had to give a few speeches to our class. The entire class critiqued us as well as our professor. The class was…fun. And, it has been very useful to me, maybe the most useful class I ever took in college.

Yes, I still had fears, and still do today each time I speak in-front of people. Not so much fear that it paralyzes me. I have learned through that class and other preaching classes in seminary how to deal with public speaking fears. I won’t say I love to be in-front of large groups, or small ones, but they do not paralyze me like they did before.

To tackle fear, I have a plan in place that helps. Pray first. If you have a fear take it to the Creator of all things and draw your strength from God. Next, be prepared as well as possible. Write a plan. If speaking in public write out what you will say to help you in the moment. Or, if you are struggling to share the gospel, take time to practice. Write out what you would like to say.

Then, examine the plan. See if it is good and share it with someone and ask for their feedback.  Adjust as necessary before taking the next step. Which is taking action to face your fear head on. If it is sharing the gospel, find someone and simply begin sharing. Take the step and start the conversation.

Start somewhere. Remember, the journey to overcome fears may take time, but every journey starts with a single step. Find your next step and get going. If it is writing a book, write the first page. If having a stronger prayer life, start by praying, right now.

I am certain Abigail will still have fears about public speaking. However, she now can have confidence that she is able to stand in front of people and read from the Swahili bible. That is a start. Her journey is not yet finished, but she has taken the first step.

What step are you going to take to overcome your fear today?


  • Ronnie

    So. Thanks. I needed to read that. Way to go Abigail. Please thank her for her example. Tomorrow I must fly to Malaysia on my own. Since our time in Kenya, travel is difficult on me and I rely on Kari to ‘hold my hand’ through it, but she can’t go this time. I’ve been taking it to Father. Praise! And now I’ve been reminded to have a plan… to write it down. It’s going to be a difficult day, a difficult step. But if Abigail can take her step, then so can I.

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