Near the end of his letter to the Colossians, Paul writes, “And tell Archippus, ‘Pay attention to the ministry you have received in the Lord, so that you can accomplish it.’” (4:17)

Don’t get distracted in ministry. Distractions are everywhere, for everyone, whether in ministry or not. For Jesus followers, this point Paul is making is vital. Satan wants us distracted from the mission of making disciples. Distractions are everywhere: at church, home, school, work, in the car, just everywhere. We must focus.

Don’t wander from the mission of disciple making. Don’t deviate and don’t get consumed with other tasks. Focus in order to accomplish what God has called you to do, mainly making disciples. Contexts may look different, but the mission is the same.

I love strategy planning and thinking. Yet, if I am not careful, planning a strategy can get me sidetracked from the mission: making disciples. Wherever I go my ministry is making disciples. This includes sharing the gospel as I go about my day. 

My ministry also included encouraging believers. This can take place anywhere I find myself with other Christians, sometimes in taxis with believing drivers, sometimes at language school with some of our teachers. No matter where I find myself, I must be focused and intentional about making disciples in whatever context I find myself.

I don’t know why Paul singled out Archippus for this statement. There could be many reasons why and any speculation here would not be helpful. However, the challenge, or wake up call for me is real. Pay attention to the ministry that God has given me, now. Not the one I want to have or wish I had, but the one I have now.

Our ministries may be different but pay attention and focus on what God has given you to do. It is important to God, or else he would not have given it to you or me.

What do you need to do to make sure you pay attention to the ministry you have today in order to accomplish it?

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