The kingdom of God is like a treasure. A very valuable treasure. It is worth more than anything else in the world.

In Matthew 13:44 a man finds a treasure in a field. He is so happy because he knows it is very valuable. What does he do? He buries it again. Then he goes and sells everything he owns.

Why would he do this? He sold everything in order to buy the field where the treasure is buried.

His family must have thought that he was crazy to sell everything to buy the field.

But the man knows the truth. It was a field with a buried treasure. The field was worth more than anyone else knew and he was willing to pay whatever the price for it.

The kingdom of God is like this. The kingdom is worth more than anything else in this world. We need to be like this man. We should sell everything in order to gain the riches of the kingdom of God. Nothing on earth compares to the riches of God’s kingdom.

However, searching for God’s kingdom may be expensive. Family and friends may think we are crazy. Or, we may have to give up dreams or careers, maybe even family and friends in order to follow Jesus. Yet, Jesus is worth losing everything on earth in order to gain eternal life with him.

The kingdom of God is unique. We need to spend our lives giving away God’s kingdom. Give away the treasure that you have found so that others may also share in the joy of the kingdom.

This is the way of the Kingdom.

Are you willing to sacrifice so other people may also find this treasure?

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