In order to get to know the people in our community I have gone to the local shops, to buy fruits, vegetables, and other items. I want them to see me out and about and hopefully begin to have some good conversations. One Sunday while taking a walk in our community and learning the area I encountered Sammy.

Sammy walked up to me and introduced himself. He said we needed to be friends and he would teach me about the area. He also told me to stop by his house sometime, which was not far from where we met each other this morning. He told me it was near the piki piki stage. (a piki piki is a motorcycle taxi)

Later that evening I went to look for Sammy but could not find him. Instead, I encountered George. George had been watching soccer and drinking a little bit. He too insisted we be friends. I think his hope was for me to go watch some soccer with him and buy a few rounds.

Even after telling him I was simply out for a walk and in spite of my insistence I was fine alone, he invited himself to join me. Eventually we ended up near his house and seeing that he was not drunk as I had at first suspected, I accepted his invitation to meet his family. George showed me his small farm with some maize, a cow and a pig.

I met George’s family: extended family, children, his mother, grandchildren and some nieces and nephews. George insisted I have tea with him, his wife, mother, and children. I could not refuse at this point as it would be very impolite, and so I had tea.

It was a great time. I was able to learn about his family and work at a small factory as well as their farm. They shared about church, the community and struggles of life in our community.

Before leaving I was able to pray for George and his family as well as share the gospel with them. As is customary in Africa, George escorted me to the main road. During this walk I was able to share the gospel with just him. To challenge him to follow Christ. I also offered to study the bible with him. He did not accept, but he said we should talk again later.

Encounters like these with George and his family are what I love. It is why I love being here in Kenya. Although many people look at various statistics and numbers and say that Kenya is reached, it is simply not the case. The Great Commission is about making disciples. Many Kenyans are surface Church attenders. Some are hostile to the “white man’s” religion while others are Muslim, or Sikhs, or follow Traditional Religions.

The need for discipleship in Kenya is great. The lost often are hidden in churches. Not unlike many churches and many areas of the US.

According to Luke 15:7 and 10 the angles in heaven rejoice over one sinner who repents. My desire is to share the gospel and see men and women repent, giving the angels reason to rejoice.  

God has placed our family in the village of Kanyariri, near Nairobi, Kenya. It is here that we are called to be the salt and the light. My prayer for this year is that I will find more men like Sammy and George, who are not walking with Jesus currently. That we can share the gospel of Jesus and begin a bible studies here where all people can hear the gospel and follow Jesus. We want the angels in heaven rejoicing.

There are millions of Sammy’s and George’s around the world. They are in every town. They need someone to seek them out. Don’t wait for them to come to you, go looking for them. Teach them. Love them. And then see what God does, in your life, and theirs. May your light shine brightly to those around you wherever you have been placed.

Where can you place yourself to meet people to share the gospel with and be the light? Will you be the light in your community?

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