Story Time with Luke
Anyone who teaches or works with children knows that you must
be on your toes when they have questions to ask. Children ask some of the best
questions, but also some of the most challenging ones.
My son, Luke, is no different. Story time with Luke can be
fun, frustrating and sometimes terrifying. We have told him bedtime Bible stories
for a long time or read from a Children’s Bible. He never really seemed like he
was paying attention though. Until recently.
The last couple of months he has really started to listen to
the Bible stories. However, the last few weeks after either Brandi or I finish
reading the story he says, “I have a couple of questions.” These are no cupcake
questions either. Luke has decided that the tougher the question the better it
is to ask.
A few examples are: Why did Jesus send those people away to
a place of darkness (hell)? Why did the rich man go away sad? Did he not like
Jesus? Why did the...