The Reality
If you walk into a random church in Kenya on any given Sunday the chances are extremely high you will hear a message from an untrained pastor. 85% of pastors have not been trained. The message will be short on both meat and milk, consisting mainly of conjecture and opinions mixed with prosperity teaching.
Untrained does not mean they are uneducated. Or that they have not been taught what the Bible says. Many have lots of verses memorized. Many have grown up in a church setting. All will tell you they love Jesus.
What does it mean to be untrained?
Being an untrained pastor means he has not had someone teach him the basics of how to read and interpret the bible. He has not been trained in how the Old Testament fits with the New Testament, therefore missing much of the meaning and richness of the Bible. Knowing what the bible says and knowing how to apply it are two different things.
Often times, these pastors have much of the bible committed to memory. However, they don’t understand the narrative of the Bible and how the verses they know fit with the rest of scripture. This is seen in questions our TE team is asked often by pastors in our trainings: Why do we need the Old Testament if we have the New Testament?
A lack of understanding the bible leads to a desire to follow the law. It is easier to follow the law than it is to live by faith through grace. Many churches teach that it is necessary to follow the OT law because they don’t understand grace.
Many also mix their traditional religion with Christianity, diluting the truth and making it more Kenyan culture than Biblical truth. This mixing often occurs because of a lack of discipleship and training.
It’s tragic to think that so many, thousands and thousands, are seeking truth but receiving a diluted gospel each and every week.